Learn more about us
The Team
We are united by the passion for science and research, for the development of new molecules and catalysts with tailor-made properties and unknown reactivities. We are: The Molecular Designers
The Research
Research in the Gessner group aims at the design of molecules, reagents and catalysts with specifically designed properties and reactivities tailored for applications in synthesis and catalysis.
Success stories
We have published more than 120 original papers, patents and book chapters. Group members have been awarded with poster prizes, fellowships and research prizes.
Jan. 2025: Greg started as a Post-Doc in our group. Welcome!
July 2024: We have a couple of new publications. Check them out here
May 2024 Quentin as won the poster prize at GECOM-CONCOORD 2024 at Ax-les-thermes, France
Mar. 2024 Arpan has been awarded an AvH postoctoral fellowship
Mar. 2024. A new paper in Angewande Chemie got published (see publications or click the picture)
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